Ich habe beschlossen mit Wissen und Einverständnis meines Mitarbeiters Jackson Mbogela sein neustes Statement zur Lage der Kirche in der SCD zu veröffentlichen, es ist ein Sittenbild!
Die Kirche schweigt sich aus!
Wir warten! Die Patienten sind schlecht versorgt, es gibt Anwälte und wahrscheinlich Anzeigen gegen die Kirche wegen Beschlagnahmung der Laborgeräte!
21st May 2006
Dear Brethrens,
I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our LORD and savior who donated his valuable blood at Calvary in a very amazing way so that we should be cleansed from our sins. This is the one who started this work we are all in. we believe in his miracles and teaching and therefore we should always strive to live and follow his word.
He is the truth and the way, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." So declared Jesus as he was teaching the multitudes in the temple in Jerusalem. ... (John 8:32)
I want to tell the “honest truth” about what I know about the South Central Diocese (SCD) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT) and thus provide a reasonably objective account of which the claims of embezzlements, fraud, Un-transparence, and unaccountability made built on.
My background history
My name is Jackson Mbogela, I was born in 1974 in a village 10 Km from Bulongwa (a village where the former head office of the diocese were for more than 20 years). I grew up in this village and I was sent to a church school, Lutheran Junior Seminary School (Owned by ELCT). I was taught the belief and the foundation of the Lutheran church, and I learned in depth the teaching of Martin Luther the founder of this denomination (my Teacher Rev. Herb Herfman). My grandmother was the first woman to be baptized in this diocese; she was baptized by the first missionaries who came up from Matema to preach the good news in this region.
I am a holder of a first degree in agriculture from Sokoine University of Agriculture; I have done some courses in bible studies, administration, leadership, marketing and commerce. I have traveled to a number of countries in the southern Africa region.
PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY AND CHURCH ACTIVITIESIn the year 2005, June I was interviewed by the diocesan officials, the interview was lead by the Hon. Bishop Rev. Shadrack Manyiewa for a post which by then was available in the diocese, after about two weeks I was called again for another interview for the post in the HAART Program of the Bulongwa Lutheran Hospital (BLH) which was advertised in the newspaper. Thirteen graduates were interviewed for the post, and four of us were selected. The interview was lead by the Diocesan General Secretary, Samson Sanga, two African senior Doctors from the hospital one nurse and one orthopedic technician were included in the interviewing team. There was only one foreign doctor in the interview.
Following the skills I demonstrated in the interview and following the discussion held after some times between the bishop and other diocesan officers, it was agreed I should be employed as a hospital administrator the second post in highrachy after the hospital medical in charge.
I did not accept the post and then I was posted in the hospital as assistant coordinator in the HAART program of the hospital. In this post I was responsible with all administration issues including staffing, salaries, planning, supervision of day to day activities, evaluation, reporting and budgeting a few to mention.
Following these responsibilities I was like a middleman between the general hospital management and the program management. As I was fulfilling my duties our differences between me on one side with my fellow African leaders in the hospital and the diocese on the other side started to be evident.
There is a number of administratively and financial issues which were not conducted professionally. I gave my opinion and here I will try to summaries in short what I differed with my brethrens. I am writing from the Internet café, it is expensive so I have to be brief so that I should take as short time as possible to avoid paying a lot of money. For the computers we were using, and bought by the missions abroad have been confiscated by the SCD/BLH. Me together with some of the volunteer’s missionaries have been prohibited from accessing the building. I wonder what will happen if we will be sick…
THE HOSPITAL WORKSHOP (CAPENTRY AND GARAGE)The hospital owns a garage and a carpentry workshop. I was surprised to learn the there is no proper control of the income from the carpentry. For example in July 2005 one client had a work of Tsh. 500, 000/= to be done in this workshop. The work was done by the people whoa are employed by the hospital using the tools and the machines from the hospital workshop. End of the month they were paid fully salary. This client asked me to make a follow up of the receipt for the money he has paid for this work. There was no receipt produced. I talked to the hospital treasurer and the administrator, at the end I was told that this money was not for the hospital rather it was taken as private work with the technician. Therefore the hospital got nothing from this income, though it paid the staff in the workshop and it paid for tools and the electricity used for this work. The same happens in the garage.
I did not agree with them, I took this matter to the hospital management, there was no proper solution and I took the matter to diocese officers including the Bishop only to be told that these people a re being paid very little and therefore they deserve to find some extra work to subsidies the little income they earn. This means every one has to find a way to earn extra income from what he is doing as a subsidy to little salary he gets including the doctors and pharmacist.
ELECTRICITYThe diocese owns the hydro power station (
http://www.elct.or.tz/) and sells the electricity to many villagers surrounding the hospital. I was astonished to learn that the hospital management had no control of the collection of the bills from its customers. There is no list showing the name s and place of customers connected to this grid, neither the list of people who paid nor those who have not paid. From what we learned from different sources there are many people who are connected yet the money which are being paid are not collected by the hospital treasurer they are ending in some few peoples’ pocket. Much more there are many customers including the hospital staff that are connected to the electricity but had never paid even a single cent for this service. Some are even using the power to run machineries.
The report for audit conducted in 2002 by the ELCT Monitoring and Supervision team namely.
1. Peter Iveroth Health Programs Director, ELCT
2. Mr. Gideon Mbalakai Health Programs Coordinator, ELCT
3. Mr. Nathan L.Mollel Auditor, Auditing Department, ELCT.
This repot came out with the following:
Monthly Income analysis 2002
The staff member were paying Tsh.1000/= per month and the money was being deducted straightforward by the treasurer from their salaries. There are thirty-three members of staff who are staying in the hospital staff houses and therefore the minimum collection should be Tsh. 33,000/= per month. I was astonished to see some of the month only had a collection of less than Tsh.10, 000/= Does this mean that only nine or seven staff had their money deducted? What about collection from the people outside the stff members? These are paying a flat rate of three thousands very month, they are many but no one knows how many are they?
PHARMACYIn July 2005 Tsh.2, 000,000/= were used to purchase drugs for the use in the hospital at the end of September the hospital had no reserve money collected from the selling of the drugs, there were no money at all. The hospital was in difficult situation. Sister Anne Peterson a volunteer from Sweden had to donate some money to buy drugs at this time. Some of us we were concerned as there was no report to show how much the hospital collected from the selling of the drugs previously purchased using 2,000,000/=. When we tried to query what is going on? In here we were described as problem creators. The problem of the money collected from drugs, inpatients and outpatients is a chronic disease in this hospital. Even the figure from the report made by the above team reveals it. For example, the outpatient card is sold at 500, and consultation fees at Bulongwa Lutheran hospital are 300 (to see a CO) and 2,000 to see an AMO. I was surprised to learn that when 323 patients were attended only 2,900 were collected per month. It does not bring sense. Has things changed? Personally I strongly say NO!!!! Mr. Gideon Mbalakai, Health Programs Coordinator, ELCT was in Bulongwa again this year could he produce the report on the picture and situation of the hospital for the year 2005.
In short I can say the hospital has been changed to become a project of a few.
HOSPITAL VEHICLESMany times I have differed with the hospital management on how the vehicles belonging to the hospital and which are intended to be used for the patients being used. They have been taking these vehicles to escort them for seminars which are of no benefit to hospital some times, even to carry their private properties/groceries for their shops and domestic use.
I discussed the issue with relevant officers for examples with the hospital mangers (who are leading in this), and also discussed the matter with diocesan staff (The Honorable Bishop, The Vice Bishop, The General Secretary, The Vice general secretary, and the treasurer, individually and in two consecutive meetings) the only answer I was given by the honorable bishop rev. Shadrack Manyiewa is “he himself has authorized the vehicles to be used in the described jobs above” I had no more strength to proceed with this.
I had a feeling that some times my brothers who are in charge of these properties had no paining feeling because they feel that these are cars bought by the European therefore they can use them any how they like, for they have invested nothing on them.
It has been very common here, to see the car, which was meant for certain program, a staff with a big post in the hospital or the diocese to grab the car. Always they have justified this by a reason that the vehicle was in a bad state. How comes a vehicle that has failed to operate in the hospital can operate very well when it belongs to the hospital doctor in charge or to the son of the vice bishop? There is no depreciation policy neither a depreciation rate in this organ. How do they determine that the vehicle is written off in the books of accounts?
For instance, from the audit report done by the external auditors the report reveals that the car, which was bought by more than $40,000.00, was taken by one of the leading doctors in the hospital. This car is still in a good condition, from the hear say people are saying he was to buy it at $.2,000.00 which no one knows if even the promised amount was cashed in the hospital account.
Here are some of the exactly extracts as quoted from the audit report.
“The hospital has no depreciation policy in respect of its fixed assets”
“The hospital should have a valuation policy in respect of its assets based on the ELCT Policies.”
“No details and/or agreement was available in respect of a vehicle with registration No. TZB 3194 sold to Dr Benedict Uhagile during the year 2003”.
FINANCESThe hospital is always in difficult situation concerning with the finances. There is no proper control of the income and expenditure. For example there is national health insurance fund, which is contributing a lot of money to the hospital income as all the governmental staff are being treated under this scheme. This scheme had never been liberation to the hospital instead it has become an income generating project to some individuals.
Reports on other schemes involving the local community and the hospital staff had never been audited, neither had its report been released for the whole year of 2005. There has been no quarterly report neither the monthly report from this hospital made available to its management committee. I had recommended for auditing and I have proposed a number of solution as away forward to seal the cracks leading to leakage of the money in the hospital they had never been accepted.
The other time we got an offer from one Austrian company dealing with hospital management and administrative software to install computer program a network for the hospital to control its income which was never accepted by the present hospital management. We suggested using the software adopted by the ELCT health department (DR Niemi Mauri), they were neither happy with it. For this hospital and the diocese to stand it needs proper control of its finances.
FRAUDS AND CHEATINGIt has been common in the hospital and the diocese to present letter and request to the donors and the government with a lot of lies. For example the government through the ministry of finances and the ministry of health has extended its helping hand to pay salaries to thirty (30) members of staff. This money is given as grant and subsidy to the diocese and the government. To this date they are seven (7) members of staff who in this pay roll whose money from the government is not paid to them.
For example the name of Dr. Hans Reichold who is sent by the MWB (Bavarian Mission) is used to give the hospital the total amount of 921,000/= this money is chewed by a few in the hospital. There are others who are dead some who have been fired and some who have left employment whose names are been used to get a lot of money from the government. I discussed with the diocesan officials, they promised to deal with the matter, something that had never been implemented.
We are Christian who guided by the word of god “Thou shalt not steal. Exodus 20:15 (Deuteronomy 5:19, Matthew 19:18, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, Romans 2:21, 13:9) ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another. Leviticus 19:11”
Not only the hospital management and the diocese maintain the names of seven people who are not paid but also it has embezzled the National Social Security Insurance of which 10% is contributed by the employer and the other 10% by the employee. Though the government has been bringing in the cash for the staff in its grants but the money for long time has never been deposited in the staff account.
By end of march the diocese was owing the scheme Tsh.13,000,000/=. The scheme has decided to take one of the diocese properties (car). Sister Anne Peterson had to give some money (Tsh.1, 500,000/=) to pay for this debt without even asking how was it possible to have such big debt though the money are being sent in and also deducted from the staff. There are some people who are chewing these money but they are comfortable they are sure the good Samaritans from Europe, Scandinavian countries and America will cover the debts.
At first I had great hope on the European working in the hospital, I thought they would be leading to change the situation. I was discouraged some how to see that the name of Dr. Hans has been used to get the money falsely. Sister Anne has been collecting the money from Europe and going around here giving it to the people who are not even the needy. There are a lot of diocesan and hospital staff in her list that has got financial assistance from her to maintain their cars and buying luxury things like TV sat dishes, while there many very poor sick people dying in their huts.
I happened to have talked with her; she only told me that I have to show respect to the bishop, at the end she asked me to leave the house I was staying for she claimed it was built from her own money (no one knows if it is true it was hr private money). Such kinds of Europeans are of not of benefit to the African community rather they are hamming the society much more. This society will continue to be dependant with full of responsible officers who are determined to chew whatever is in front of them.
EMPLOYEMENTThis has been a chronic problem in this diocese. There are neither formalities nor regulation on hiring and firing staff. There is a tendency of one to be hired because he comes from one place with the diocese officer or is related. For example the diocese by the help of MWB Bavarian mission had opened a vocational center to help the orphans get education. It is said that the European donors contributed more than US$.300,000/= to start this project. The project was to run a number of sub project like a fuel station. Professional experienced accountants and businessmen did the analysis on the sustainability of this project.
The management was left to SCD. Then the appointment for various positions to run this project started. Mr. John Kipigapasi a blood cousin brother to the bishop was appointed to head the project as the Project Director, Then Joyce Kipigapasi a real daughter to John Kipigapasi (The director) was appointed to hold the post of the head of the fuel attendants, Esther Sanga and Vumilia who were the nice to John were given the work of pump attendants. One of them was the director’s house made therefore she was promoted to this post.
Complaints came from the people who were willing well-being of the diocese; cautions were made to the diocese officers including the bishop.
The properties of this foundation were being used in very worst manner the cars were being using for the private business like carrying sand to build their houses. The chairman of the board after seeing all of these decided to resign. After the Bishop and the Diocese seeing these entire allegations they decided to find the truth. They appointed an auditor to verify the allegation. Ben Kipigapasi who is a real brother to John Kipigapasi and another cousin brother to the bishop was appointed to audit this project. Could something like this happen in Europe or America and Sweden accepted? To day the foundation is dead and there is no real loss established. The true loss will never be known for there are no accounts books have been left available for auditing, all of the books have either been destroyed or hidden somewhere.
Is this because these were donor’s monies that are why it cannot pain us? Is it because the donors had never had close look on the fund they bring in? Is it because we cannot take care of the project in a proper way?
It is not only the money donated by the Bavarians for the makete development foundation, which had been misallocated, or deliberately embezzled. There other monies which have been sent by other missions which we don’t know how were it spent. For example the money donated by KPS for solar and Biogas project had never been used for the intended projects. There have been no explainations on how these monies from the donors have used.
Usually if one questions much he will end up getting an answer that the monies were used for the salaries
I would advice all the missions to send their report on the funds sent to this diocese. The information should be shared among all of us so that the transparence on how the money was used should be established. I had a discussion with the bishop on how this money was spend as an example of the money being sent by the donors abroad. I was only told I am to find enough time to understand. This money was sent directly to the diocese head office account. Therefore if it has been embezzled, the diocesan officials including the bishop should be held responsible. As you can see from the above report many project were not implemented and no one knows the where about of the money sent. Bavarian, NMZ, Scandinavian Missions, EKDM/KPS, & ELCA we should work together in solving the problem.
It has been common phenomena in this diocese not completing the project though the money sent had been consumed. Some years back the Kidope congregation had received a certain amount of money from a friend congregation Curau in Germany to build a center that will be an income-generating project to this congregation. To today there have been no center built and we do don’t know if the report for this project and money were sent to the companion curau congregation in Germany.
MONEY FROM AMERICA ELCA – NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA SYNODIt has been a tendency as I have said above to run this diocese with favor and friendship dominating. Some money was sent to this diocese from ELCA, which was intended to buy motorcycle, which should be given to congregation without a companion congregation (Refer E-Mail by Charles Mohn to Bishop Manyiewa of 21.01.2006). The motorcycles have been distributed to the pastors who a personal friends to the bishop. Their parishes has got companion congregation yet they got a motorbike. Some of these pastors have many times seen going to greet the bishop with some potatoes and corns.
There are three pastors who were sent to Tumaini University for theological studies. Two of them doing diploma and one taking degree course in theology. These students’ pastors are getting funding from the ELCA I wonder if the North Eastern Pennsylvania synod has ever been told that Mr. Dustan Fungo who is one of the student being sponsored and financed by this synod is no longer a student at the Tumaini University. Mr. Fungo had to stop his studies because the tuition fee was never been paid. From my side I don’t know may be the money were not sent from the ELCA-NEPS or the money were sent but never been paid to the university.
The total amount from ELCA-NEPS sent to ELCT-SCD by January 2006 was $.17,880.00 among them there were a lot of money for refugees. There are no refugees in this diocese of whatever kind, and this diocese had never involved itself in refugee’s activities.
There was the other time a container sent by ELCA-NEPS with 901 boxes inside of custom value between $.43,000 - $.50,000.00 to be shared among 50-60 congregation. The container arrived in makete on 22 September 2005. It was never shared among the 50-60 congregation instead the boxes were sent to few parishes of interest and the items inside the container including clothes were sold. The parish members were told that the items were to be sold so that to raise money to cover the transport fares to bring the good in makete. Worse enough some of the secretaries of the parishes where these goods were sent are alleged misusing the funds. The allegation had never been clarified no justified by the diocesan officials.
HIV-AIDS PROJECTThis district is one of the highly affected regions with the disease. In the year 2004 therefore the Austrian government in collaboration with EAWM mission they donated funds to help with the treatment of the patients using the life serving drugs. The intention of this the program was to work in partnership with the diocese. The diocese has never fulfilled its obligation neither has it performed its responsibilities. The hospital staff has been heard saying this project has a lot of money therefore all the people in the hospital should benefit financially. Meaning they should sit down and start distributing the monies among themselves as they did with other project’s money like the care international (refer the audit report). The leading HAART program coordinator Dr. rainer never accepts this.
Then these hospital staff started to feed the bishop with all kind of lies about this volunteer. The bishop accepted the lies and he started working against the effort of this volunteer to serve the life of thousands of the patients suffering from the disease. One day this doctor was seeing his patients, then he went out to relieve himself, in coming back he found the gates closed and a number of guards had been increased, they never allowed him back in to attend the patients. He was driven away with sticks and clubs from the hospital guards who were instructed by the hospital administrator.
There have been no substantial reasons why should this doctor been sent away like this. I discussed with the bishop about this he said he had authorized this because the Dr. in subject has stained the name of the diocese in front of the eyes of the donors abroad by writing e mail in the internet on the embezzlement, frauds, theft going on in the diocese.
Let us ask ourselves who the problem here is according to the teaching of Jesus: the person who has stolen or the person who talks about the theft? This has been the habit here. To keep and award the people who will support the bishop on whatever is going on and punish the ones who will advice him different from what he is planning to implement or criticizing him.
When I started questioning these things many [people were egger to know) and we decided to protest by demonstration. Two pastors stood in their congregations and said who ever will be going for the demonstration will be excluded from the parish membership and will be considered a sinner. They even went further by quoting the word of god that who ever raises his finger against the god’s anointed will be cursed.
The bishop has awarded these two pastors with the motorbikes bought by the money from ELCA-NEPS. It was clearly stated in the letter from Charles Mohn that, these motorbikes are for the congregation without a companion congregation. These two pastors are from the congregation with the companion congregation.
The HIV-AIDS Prevention and treatment coordinator has to leave the country and stop his work of serving the life of his patients he has ever loved because the money for this project were not been given out to be shared among ourselves and it was not transferred into our accounts.
THE ROLE POF ELCT HEAD OFFICEI had enough time to have a discussion with the fact finding team, which visited this diocese and they had a discussion with a number of stake holders in the diocese. We talked for 2hours and 40 minutes. The team included Acting Secretary General Mr. Brighton L. Killewa, Mr. Aminiel Mungure,Deputy Secretary General, Finance and Administration and Mr. Lars Hofgren, Secretary LMC . The team was very diplomatic and to me it was not a fact-finding mission team rather it was a fact quenching mission team. In my discussion with them though I pointed out all the fact you and showing them all the documents, they ended up advising me that as I keep on talking about these allegation it will make the people of this diocese to suffer much more for the donors will nor send their money in. It should be noted all along the donors has been sending the money but this money had never reached the intended ones rather it ended in the stomachs of the few.
The audit which was contacted last year raveled that more than Tsh.272, 000,000/= were embezzled and more than Tsh.200, 000,000/= from KPS alone which almost all went through LMC has never been invested on the intended project. Should I believe that in case the donation stop are the people going to suffer?
The ELCT, the Hon. Presiding Bishop had work to do on this. We should have strictly rules on how to use donor money and people involved in embezzlement should be made responsible immediately even if the person is a very highly respected bishop. Otherwise the Church will change into peoples investment units.
For the situation in the ELCT- South Central Diocese to calm and have well working environment to make all the nations the disciples of Jesus Christ I would advise The Honorable Reverent Bishop Shadrack Manyiewa to resign.
He has allegation to answer and his reputation in the church has deteriorated tremendously. He will say he has not been involved in stealing the money, but what was his role as bishop in this, he has grabbed all the power of administration from the general secretary. He is the one to be blamed for what happened with the Makete development foundation which has coasted more than Tsh.300,000,000/= donor money.
There were 11 units all together to be audited instead only seven units were audited, the report is not as exhaustive as it was expected, it was agreed that the auditors will only use 90 days to release the report it took more than four months the report to be released. The bishop is not authorizing the stakeholders including the donors whose money has been poured in this diocese to have accesses to the report. The report for the head office is vague is not even mentioning how much was received as grants from the donors. (Refer the Financial statement attached with the reports) Yet all the money about $.7.000.00 donor money was used to pay the auditors.
DONORSOn behalf of the people of Tanzania and congregation members of the south central diocese appreciate for all you concern on our welfare and the well being of the people on this side. I would very much appreciate for fulfilling the word of Jesus by your intention of taking care of the orphans and the widows. “The religion which is holy and free from evil in the eyes of our God and Father is this: to take care of children who have no fathers and of widows who are in trouble, and to keep oneself untouched by the world.” (James 1:27)
My concern is on how you make a follow up to see if the helping hand you are extending reaches the needy otherwise you will be feeding the greedy people. We will be asked, for it is written, “They allow people to steal from widows and to take from orphans what really belongs to them”. (Isaiah 10:1-2)
I would ask for your collective support on this matter if we all stand together to make the responsible accountable. The ones who are responsible in stealing and those who have failed in supervision and management should be brought forward for answering these allegations. I believe this would have never been allowed to happen in any European or American or Scandinavian country. Why should it be allowed to happen in Africa? We should together say now it is the end.
I welcome comments, challenges and question from any part. I am also available for discussion over phone or to be personally visited and invited to visit any officer who will be interested to have discussion with me on this.
My contacts:
Jackson Mbogela
P.O. Box 86
mbogela@yahoo.comCell: +255 787 410 315 (SMS for an appointment net work is not always available)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. AMEN