Wednesday, February 27, 2008

ELCT Bishof Mdegella (er war früher LMC Vorsitzender) und seine Meinung über Rechenschaftspflicht und Buchhaltung.

"Alles Geld geht zu den Armen, deshalb ist es manchmal nicht gut in den Büchern dokumentiert..."

" Iringa bishop Mdegella recommended that the partners should send not treasurers and auditors to work in the church, but rather experts in agriculture and small industry:

“All the money that comes to us goes to the poor; that is why it is some times poorly accounted”.

Our mutual task ahead of us for the next three years is not so much on financial control, but in making people have money and contribute to the church (LMC, The Common Mission of the Church. 1999:39).

Another church leader was of the opinion that the problem had to be addressed. "Talking about accountability is a taboo. There is a problem about accountability with poor persons. Poor people can, however, also dominate. We are taking advantage of our poverty. We need help, but we do not need not to be questioned.”30

Some missionaries pointed out that Danmission ought to be stricter and put more demands to the church partner in connection with the donation of funds for projects and programs. Some even expressed the concern that the financial support from Denmark in some cases instead of bringing about development would corrupt the church, if strict accountability were not demanded. Some Tanzanians seemed to look to Danmission for help to rectify the situation.

From a Daish study in 2002


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