Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, der spätere Präsident von Tanzania bekommt von Dr. Volker Ost von PARTEC einen CD4 counter erklärt. (V.l.n.r.: Ich, Kikwete, Ost)

Die CD4 Counter von PARTEC waren bis zum Hinauswurf aus der Klinik sehr erfolgreich in Bulongwa im Einsatz.

Diese Maschinen wurden durch den Gesundheitsminister, der sich nach dem gewaltsamen Schluss der Klinik hinter das korrupte Krankenhaus und den später abgewählten Bischof gestellt hatte, durch ein Gerät der Firma Becton Dickinson ersetzt. Diese Geräte sind im Vergleich mit den Countern aus Deutschland die mit Sicherheit die schlechteren und teureren Produkte aus den USA.

CD4 Counter sind Laborgeräte, die man braucht, um den Zustand des Immunsystems zu bestimmen, damit man eine gute lebensrettende HIV/AIDS Therapie durchführen kann.

Der Counter aus den USA kann keine Werte für Kinder erheben. Dass er unter den schwierigen Bedingungen in Bulongwa oft nicht funktioniert, das hat PIUMA dokumentiert.

Laut einem Mail, das ich heute bekommen habe, sagt ein BD Vertreter in Nairobi nun angeblich folgendes:

"...He strongly condemned their Asian agent there for being a very dangerous crook, adding that the regional office for BD fears to stop the agency due to unknown reaction from this tycoon. He claims that BD has failed to tame Mr Rajan and hoped that the Cyflow saga will make the law catch up with him in order to arm themselves with good reason for cancellation of agency!"


"Finn’s Facts:

PCCB, DCI should comb Ministry of Health and flush out criminal elements



ONCE again in a space of less than six months, the corruption jinx at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has raised its ugly head again. This time around the controversy surrounds a three-man probe team report which was presented to the media by the Minister, Professor David Homeli Mwakyusa. The controversial report which has taken the probe team over a year to complete against a scheduled time of three and a half months, was aimed at finding out why German made Cyflow CD4 counter and South Korean made SD Bioline HIV rapid test kit were being barred from being used in the country despite the fact that the medical equipment had been locally evaluated and approved. Prof. Mwakyusa stirred a controversial media debate when he said that Cyflow was actually banned for use in the country following poor evaluation results at the then Muhimbili University College for Health Sciences (now Muhimbili University for Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) in 2004. Prof. Mwakyusa, one of the country’s most coveted medical doctors, went on to assert in a statement that Cyflow has even failed to impress the World Health Organization (WHO) which doesn’t recommend use of the machine because of technical deficiencies. The minister further contended that the equipment is never used in any developed country! German manufacturers of Cyflow, Partec Essential Healthcare reacted angrily to Prof. Mwakyusa’s statement and the company has since produced enough evidence to prove its case that the machine is popularly used in developed and developing world, including WHO sponsored projects and that its evaluation at MUCHS was sabotaged. For over a decade now, a network of criminal personalities at MoHSW and its affiliates which include Medical Stores Department, MUHAS and National Aids Control Programme, among others, have forged a satanic relationship with Dar es Salaam-based businessman, Bharat Rajani of Biocare Health Products Limited who supplied Becton Dickinson made FacsCount CD4 Counter and Capillus while shutting out all other competitors as if Tanzania is a centralized command economy. Prof. Mwakyusa who seemed to have been misinformed thoroughly by his two peers in the profession, Professor Philip Hiza and Raphael Lema who had all along quarreled with the rapporteur of the probe team report, Dr Juma Madati, whose commitment to deliver on the project can be proven by his taking of a two months unpaid leave in 2006, went on to defend his ministry’s continued purchasing of Capillus HIV rapid test kit which was formally phased out after a decade of domination, last year. He said Capillus is scientifically effective and the country has a reliable cold chain to ferry the Irish made kit which has never undergone compulsory evaluation as required by regulations governing importation of foreign technologies into the country, upcountry where the kit is actually designed to be used as hospitals and health centres are not available. Former Permanent Secretary at MoHSW, Hilda Gondwe, issued a statement in November 2006, which categorically stated that Capillus was not effective for use in the country because of its strict cold chain requirement. Gondwe was later removed from the ministry probably because she stepped on high profile public office holders’ interests because just recently Medical Stores Department ordered a huge consignment of Capillus valued at over 4bn/-. There is a serious problem of accountability and professional ethics among senior technical officials at this sensitive ministry where former Permanent Secretary Mariam Mwaffisi was so frustrated that she said in public that some correspondence addressed to her was actually hijacked and replied without her knowledge. This suspect network of highly qualified Tanzania medical doctors, pharmacists and other related professions which is lubricated by donor money paid to Rajan’s company which also almost monopolizes all medical supplies to the MoHSW, must be probed by law enforcing agencies, Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau and Directorate of Criminal Investigations. This criminal cartel is as dangerous as that which was recently dismantled by President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete at the Bank of Tanzania by the sacking of former governor Daudi Ballali. The problem at MoHSW and its affiliates, is not Prof. Mwakyusa or Wilson Mukama the current PS and indeed not Dr. Deo Mtasiwa, the chief medical officer, but key technical personnel who have overstayed at the ministry and established an empire of evil supported by some donors whose interest is to show on books that they gave Tanzania $4m in support of HIV and AIDS activities but the reality is that their companies are dumping obsolete technologies in our country."
Die Missionswerke NMZ Hamburg, Mission Centrum EINE Welt in Bayern und KPS, sowie anderer Werke, wurden im Rahmen des kriminellen Hinauswurfs des CTC Teams aus Bulongwa, der von einer korrupten Kirche organisiert und/oder stillschweigend toleriert wurde, darüber informiert, dass durch die Stillegung der CD4 counter (die auch von Korruptiuonsgeschichten umrankt sind) Patienten (inklusive Kinder zu Schaden kommen würden). Es gab dazu keine Reaktionen , auch deshalb:

Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass die für Korruptionsfinazierung und fehlende Rechenschaftslegung zuständigen Missionssekretäre in Europa zurücktreten müssen und die Finanzgebarung auch der kirchlichen Entwicklungshilfe in Europa und Tansania vollkommen offengelegt werden muss und für Diebstähle, Korruption und Spendengeldermisswirtschaft Verantwortliche in Tansania und in anderen Ländern zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden müssen.


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